The purpose of my DVD
Is to change the way my community glorify the thug life mentality a life style that will have you kill in jail living a long life in misery and poverty. I made this DVD so it can help parents, teachers, preachers and any body who wants to see a different among our youths of today please join me and help with this battle by purchasing this DVD and play it for every kid you think heading down that path or trying to be a THUG... Please Help by making a small donation towards the making of the DVD And to help the kids in our community.
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Why can’t these kids learn?”
Why can’t these kids learn?” Is because of the rap music they listen to..? Why can't these kids learn?' Is because of the neighborhoods they live in..? Why can't these kids learn?' Is because of the schools system they in..? Why can't these kids learn?' Is because of they parents..? Why can't these kids learn?' Is because of the THUG LIFE MENTALITY they trying to live?'